Since its formation in 1994, over the years Multimedia TradeWind Limited‘s objectives have been to design and develop PC based dealing simulation software and distance learning products for the financial markets industry. The company's products include the WINDEAL suite of dealing simulation software and WinFOREX, the unique interactive PC based study aid for candidates for the industry standard qualifications from ACI – The Financial markets Association.
All software is developed in association with Nick Bygrave of Tradewind Design, and is ©Tradewind Design, an independent software software developer with whom the company has worked to design and develop WINDEAL and WinFOREX products for over twenty five years.
Additionally since 2009 a series of financial markets training textbooks have been published via Lulu. These include Global Financial markets and the ACI Dealing Certificate and Treasury Operations Handbook (for ACI Operations Certificate candidates) along with Q&A books for these examinations and the FX Global Code Certificate examination. All 2025 textbooks are targeted at the current ACI syllabuses and examination formats although textbooks will still be dated 2024.

ACI – The Financial markets Association
Global wholesale financial markets are dynamic and fast changing and these conditions demand highly qualified people with wide-ranging market skills and knowledge. ACI's Education programme provides globally acknowledged, portable, professional qualifications that enhance career prospects, improve job performance and set benchmarks within the industry. ACI communicates regularly with a wide range of national Regulators on the education and training of market participants. ACI also works closely with regulatory bodies in a number of countries to ensure that market standards, ACI examinations and regulatory requirements all find common ground.
ACI provides a suite of specialised examinations targeting Foreign Exchange, Fixed Income, Money Markets, Derivatives, Repos, Asset & Liability management, Risk management and Conduct for front, middle and back-office staff. The ACI Dealing Certificate New Version offers candidates both technical and practical dealing experience in financial markets elements as well as ethical behaviour principles expected from someone working within a front office role with the ACI Operations Certificate New Version offering procedural and operational topics and behavioural principles expected from someone working within the Middle and back Office environments along with the higher level ACI Diploma.
Additionally the ACI FX Global Code Certificate and on-line examination offer formal testing of and a qualification recognising an individual’s comprehensive understanding of the 6 themes and 55 principles set out in the BIS-published FX Global Code, testing practical application of aligned best market practices with real 'use case’ scenarios. The Certificate is an excellent first step to demonstrating adherence to the new Global Code to relevant competent authorities and a potential differentiator in respect of 'Code compliance' and career development.
All ACI exams are in English and electronically delivered.
ACI - The Financial markets Association is an exam body and exam preparation opportunities are delivered by third parties such as training companies, business schools and authors. On 1st April 2019, ACI launched its Trainer Accreditation Policy and Multimedia TradeWind Limited is proud to be thus classified. See for the full list. Please note however the disclaimer: "ACI does not offer advice and takes no responsibility nor liability for the performance of the services and training methodologies of ACI Accredited Trainers".
For many years Lywood David International Limited provided in-house and public training courses towards the qualifications. These ceased in 2016. Over the same period Multimedia TradeWind Limited has developed and continues to provide PC based interactive distance learning products and financial markets textbooks to assist candidates in their preparation for the ACI examinations and today to this end the company continues to develop and market WinFOREX interactive distance learning software and financial textbooks. All software and textbooks have been updated to meet the requirements of the New Version syllabuses published by ACI in 2020 / revised in 2022 and 2024 (price changes) and still current for the year 2025.
Multimedia TradeWind Limited is proud to be appointed an ACI Accredited trainer.
Lywood David International Limited and Multimedia TradeWind Limited Clients 1992-2024
Our client institutions include the major banks in the principal financial centres across the five continents…
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Abu Dhabi
ABN Amro Bank Dublin
AgropromBank Ukraina Kiev
Ahli United Bank Bahrain
Alahli Bank Dubai
Allied Irish Banks Limited Dublin
Alpha Bank Piraeus
Altis Partners Jersey
Amen Bank Tunis
Anglo Irish Bank Corp Dublin
ANZ Bank London
Arab Bank plc Amman
Arab Bank plc Doha
Arab Jordan Bank Amman
Arthur Andersen Jakarta
Attijariwafa Bank, Casablanca
Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance, Bahrain
BZW London
Banca Commerciale Italiana London
Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya London
Banco Santander London
Banco Totta & Acores London
Banco do Brasil London
Banco Nacional Ultramarino Lisbon
Bangkok Bank London
Bank Bumi Daya Jakarta
Bank Indonesia Jakarta
Bank of Baroda London
Bank of Bermuda (Guernsey) Guernsey
Bank of China Hong Kong
Bank of England London
Bank of Ireland Belfast
Bank of Ireland Dublin
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, London
Bank of Zambia Lusaka
Bank One, Mauritius
Bank Sepha, London
Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie Tunis
Barclays Bank, London
Barclays Capital Dubai
Barclays Capital Johannesburg
Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale London
BNP Parisbas Doha
BNP Parisbas Dublin
BNP Parisbas London
BNP Parisbas Moscow
BP International, London
BP London
British Arab Commercial Bank London
Brown Shipley London
Central Bank of Belarus Minsk
Central Bank of Jordan Amman
Central Bank of Kenya Nairobi
Central Bank of Kuwait Kuwait
Central Bank of Libya, Tripoli
Central Bank of Russia St. Petersburg
Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi
Central Bank of Tunisia Tunis
CIC - Union Europeene International London
Chase Manhattan Bank London
Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Gloucester
Chesham Building Society Chesham
Cheshire Building Society Chester
Cognotec Limited London
Commercial Bank of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi
Commercial Bank of Qatar Doha
Credit Lyonnais Euro Securities London
Credit Lyonnais UK London
Credit Suisse London
Credito Italiano London
Crown Agents London
Cyprus Popular Bank London
Deutsche Bank London
De Nederlandsche Bank Amsterdam
Discount Bank and Trust Company London
Doha Bank Doha
East Caribbean Central Bank St. Kitts
EBS London
Elenjical Solutions, Sandton, Johannesburg
Euronext.liffe London
EuropeArab Bank London
European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
First Citizens Bank, Port of Spain Trinidad
FX & MM magazine, London
Gazprom Bank Moscow
Guardian Royal Exchange Unit Trust Managers London
Gulf International Bank London
Halifax Building Society Halifax
HBOS Treasury Services London
Henderson Unit Trust Managers London
Hoare & Company London
HSBC Dubai
HSBC London
Hypobank London
ICC Bank Dublin
IFX Markets London
ING Bucharest
ING Bank Jakarta
ING Bank London
ING Bank Moscow
Industrial Bank of Japan London
Institute of Banking Studies Amman
Intesa Sanpaolo S.P.A., Dublin
Investment Academy Amsterdam
Italian International Bank London
Kenya Commercial Bank Nairobi
Kredietbank NV London
Kuwait Financial Markets Association
Leeds Permanent Building Society, Leeds
Leopold Joseph & Sons, Guernsey
Ljubljanska Banka, Ljubljiana
Lloyds Banking Group, London
Lloyds TSB Bank Scotland, Edinburgh
Lloyds Bowmaker Limited, Bournemouth
Man Financial London
Mars UK Treasury, Melton Mowbray
Merita Bank, Helsinki
MG Training, Amsterdam
MIS Training, London
Mizrahi Bank Tel Aviv
Moscow Municipal Bank Moscow
Moscow Narodny Bank London
National Audit Office London
National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi
National Bank of Canada London
National Bank of Dubai, Dubai
National Bank of Dubai, London
National Bank of Fujairah Fujairah
National Bank of Greece, Athens
National Bank of Poland, Warsaw
National Bank of Romania
National Bank of Slovakia
National Commercial Bank, Dubai
National Foreign Exchange Association of Russia, Moscow
Newcastle Building Society, Newcastle
National Commercial Bank, Dammam
Nikko Europe London
North of England Building Society, Sunderland
Northern Bank Limited, Belfast
Northern Rock plc, Newcastle
Ostgota Enskilda Banken, Stockholm
Peter Skerritt & Associates, South Africa
Post Office Counters, London
Promstroy Bank St. Petersburg
Qatar Forex Association, Doha
Qatar National Bank, Doha
Rea Bros London
Reserve Bank of South Africa, Pretoria
Risk magazine, London
Reuters Dubai
Romanian Banking Institute, Bucharest
Rothschild N.M. & Sons (C.I.) Guernsey
Rothschild Asset Management London
Royal Bank of Scotland London
Sanwa Bank London
Scottish Widows Bank Edinburgh
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken London
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Stockholm
Societe Generale London
Srpska Banka Beograd
Standard Bank Johannesburg
Standard Bank London
Standard Chartered Bank Doha
Standard Chartered Bank Dubai
Standard Chartered Bank London
Standard Chartered Bank Singapore
Standard Life Edinburgh
State Street Global Markets London
Telerate London
Thomson Reuters, London
Tokai Bank London
Total Solutions Amsterdam
Tullett Liberty plc London
Ulster Bank Belfast
UK Forex, London
Vickers Plc London
Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale London
Woodchester Credit Lyonnais Bank Dublin